An anonymous commenter points us to Mohammad Hammad's personal statements about the incidents at San Francisco State University, published here. Its not an apology.
Mohammed claims that posts threatening to stab and behead Israeli soldiers were part of his sardonic sense of humor, admitting that although they were "immature" they were taken out of context.
He writes:
"An organization with a track record for hyperbole and misrepresentation has taken some of my old personal blog posts out of context."
Would that be the ADL? Head Of Pro-Palestinian Student Group Posts Inflammatory Comments On Israel
Would that be CAMERA on Campus? President of Campus Palestinian Group Wants to Stab Israeli Soldiers
Would that be the Simon Wiesenthal center? SWC to San Francisco State University: Take Action After Violent Posts by Palestinian Student Group Leader - Expel Student & Make Investigatory Findings Public
Would that be the AMCHA Initiative? President of SFSU Student Palestinian Group Puts Name and Face to IDF Soldier He Wants to Kill
The vast majority of the organizations charged with protecting the safety of the Jewish community have condemned Mohammad's words. The vast majority of the organized Jewish community and the blogsphere also expressed their collective outrage. What Mohammad describes as a "smear campaign" against him, characterized by "selective quotations and other misrepresentation" was the unified gasp of revulsion at his words by those who genuinely feared for the safety of Jewish students on campus.
To Mohammad- in what context would this EVER be acceptable?
Anyone who thinks there can be peace with animals like this is absolutely delusional, and the only “peace” I’m interested in is the head of this fucking scum on a plate, as well as the heads of all others like her, and all others who support the IDF
The Liberation of Palestine can only come through the destruction
and decimation of this Israeli plague and it can’t possibly come soon
You are calling for the genocide of 40% of the Jews on the planet.
Mohammad, the entirety of your Tumblr post has been widely published.
You provided the context. The photo and the caption were simply reproduced in their entirety. In what context is incitement to murder EVER acceptable?
Read Mohammad Hammad's personal statement here and below. See the narcissism and moral bankruptcy of a young man who lacks the empathy to ever move beyond his cherished identity as victim.
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