Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mohammad Hammad of SFSU: Anger Management Issues?

Mohammad Hammad, President of the General Union of Palestinian Students at San Francisco State may very well have anger management issues. When the story of GUPS incitement first broke, he exalted in the attention.  The fact that  Jewish community members felt threatened by the actions on campus only served to vindicate his feelings. "We have them on edge", he triumphantly wrote.

The following are screen shots to a now password protected Tumblr account associated with Mohammad Hammad.

Mohammad Hammad Tumblr

Mohammad Hammad declares  "This is my Thing. I'm ready to destroy". 

Mohammad Hammad Tumblr

And here's where Mohammad introduces his plan- not a heart felt apology for embarrassing his school and his cause, but a counter-campaign. Kill the messenger, so to speak

Mohammad Hammad Tumblr

From the ADL Blog

Hammad’s posts on his pub­lic Face­book and Twit­ter pages reveal a stu­dent with a record of express­ing desire for vio­lence against Israel and its sup­port­ers. In Decem­ber 2012, for exam­ple, Ham­mad responded to a tweet by a pro-Israel user about an Israeli sol­dier that had killed a Pales­tin­ian ter­ror­ist in the West Bank with the fol­low­ing remark: “You are a sick­en­ing sup­porter of ter­ror­ism, I only wish it were you on the other end of this monster’s barrel.”

In a recent tweet, he also described a hash­tag that was being used to poke fun at Hamas as being “enough to turn any­one into a mil­i­tant with your peo­ple as the targets.”

In the past year, Ham­mad, an Inter­na­tional Rela­tions major at the uni­ver­sity, has also retweeted sev­eral tweets by OpIs­rael, an inter­na­tional hack­ing group that tar­gets Israeli and pro-Israel Web sites. In Novem­ber 2012, he wrote a tweet about the hack­ing group Anonymous’s appar­ently suc­cess­ful hack­ing of an Israeli Web site with the hash­tag “#win.”

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